Found an alien pod while hiking Rancho Cucamonga Peak. Inspiration for Alien Con 2019.
Third one from the left is the real Giorgio
Space the final fronteir
Excited to hear that William Shatner will be at this year Alien Con!!! 👽🌲😜👨🏼🚀
Excited fans👽👽
Young fans so excited about all the happenings. And the fun mutated dinos they bought at our booth!! by Haylee Bolinger
First sale at Alien Con 2018
David signing my work!!
Fans using our artwork at Alien Con to get David Duchovny Signiture!!
Gods or Extraterrestrial
Inspired by the ideas put forth in the tv show Ancheint Aliens Amy Gochel fabricated these whimsical necklaces. Sumerian Mythology the Anunnaki were a pantheon of good and evil gods, but to the modern eye, they look very much like our idea of little green man. Were they real or myth, we'll never know for sure but it's fun to speculate.
Betty and Barny Hill
Stearing toward Alien Con in our little red truck. hope we make it!!
Preping for Alien Con 2018
Inspo pic from Arizona road trip
finding inspiration for Alien Con 2019
dino inspo pic: Arizona road trip!
Works in progress
Found a spot for the original water color
Smoking Alien?!
Don't try to find him he will find you at this years Alien Con 2019